Photography instruction

For photographers who want to take their practice to the next level, I am offering three methods of instruction. Whichever you choose, your photography will change.

Everyone has own visual voice. Through the development of technical skills, and critical analysis of your images, we will find and develop voice. All you have to have is a passion for photography. We can not learn visual voice from others. You will find it from inside yourself and I will teach how to do it through assignments.


One-on-one class 

In person or Skype

A. Basics of Photography as Art (2hr)
One time lecture with portfolio review (15 images)

B. Assignment basis 10 times courses (1.5-2hrs) (limited to 5 students)

We will focus on the development of your distinct vision as a photographer. Further, we will analyze elements of your visual language. Courses are tailor made for each person's current stage and development so it is suitable from any stage of photographer.
Monthly ~ every two weeks depending on your schedule.



Portfolio Review

For 15 images (1.5 hr)
Skype, E-mail, Messaging

Portfolio review is mainly focused on finding a goal as a photographer. Through detailed analyses of images, we will discuss about current stage and future about you as a photographer. 


2 days and 3 months follow up after the workshop

Lecture, portfolio review, photo walk are combined. Basically, lecture is same as A, and more concentrating to portfolio review and discussion. I will follow-up for three months and during that time, you can receive portfolio review by E-mail or Messaging.

I live in Chicago but, on request, I can run a workshop with 10 or more participants outside of the greater Chicago area.


“1-A” is basically the same as the first lesson of “1-B” so you can do “1-A” first and decide whether you will continue or not. Some student improve greatly only after “1-A” and occasionally take Portfolio review.

“B” is more intensive. We will focus on the development of your vision and, the elements of your visual language. Does not matter whether you are budding or advanced photographer. Skill is not that important for photography. Photography is all about contents; contents shows how photographer saw the world in distinct way. I will teach you how to find and develop your visual voice and how to express in photographic media.


$40/hr for under 30 years old and $60/hr for over 31 years old. We will decide how long we will do before meeting and if it is over I will not charge more.

If you have further questions, please send E-mail to or use form below. Thank you.

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